香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系招金属材料相关Ph.D和Research Associate
导师:杨许生助理教授 (X.S. Yang),张统一院士学生。从事材料专业金属方向研究,纳米结构金属材料的力学行为,相变,及HRTEM微观结构分析,课题组与上海大学材料基因组工程研究院、中科院力学所、香港科技大学、日本京都大学和英国牛津大学等有良好的合作关系。
PhD要求:学校985,211本科或者硕士毕业,成绩优秀,有SCI文章最好。奖学金大致HK$15700/month。英语要求:雅思6.5,单科不低于6,或者托福80,写作不低于23. (英语要求为学校的入学要求)。入学后表现优秀者,可推荐到国外名校合作交流。
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship(HKPF):优秀者可支持申请香港政府资助的博士研究生计划,香港政府提供的每月2万港币奖学金,且PolyU免除每年4万2千港币的学费。
Research Associate 要求: 即将或者已博士毕业,无英语要求
Brief Biosketch
Dr. Yang received his B. Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation, and his M. Eng. degree in Materials Processing Engineering from South China University of Technology (SCUT). He received a Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering in Aug. 2014 from HKUST, under the supervision of Prof. Tong-Yi Zhang (Member of CAS). He then became a Research Assistant at HKUST and then a Research Associate at PolyU. In Feb. 2016 he won the PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme supervised by Prof. San-Qiang Shi and Dr. Hai-Hui Ruan. He joined the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an Assistant Professor in 2017.
Dr. Yang’s research interests include: high strength and high ductility materials, martensitic phase transformation; nanograined and nanotwinned materials, stress relaxation, creep and fatigue behaviors; in-situ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (in-situ HRTEM), etc. His research works verified and enriched, at the atomic-scale for the first time, a half-century-old classic BBOC martensitic transformation atomic shear model, and built-up a formula for describing the time, stress and temperature-dependent stress relaxation and creep deformation behavior. His papers have been published in top specialized journals, including Acta Materialia and the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, etc. In PolyU, he would like to explore new metallic materials with some advanced properties, and investigate the relationships between micro/nanostructure and properties in materials.
Teaching and Research Specialties
High strength and high ductility materials, martensitic phase transformation; nanograined and nanotwinned materials, stress relaxation, creep and fatigue behaviors; in-situ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (in-situ HRTEM); high entropy alloys and hydrogen storage materials, etc.
Selected Publications
X-S Yang, Y-J Wang, H-R Zhai, G-Y Wang, Y-J Su, L. H. Dai, S Ogata, T-Y Zhang, Time-, stress-, and temperature -dependent deformation in nanostructured copper: Creep tests and simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 94 (2016) 191-206
X-S Yang, Y-J Wang, G-Y Wang, H-R Zhai, L. H. Dai, T-Y Zhang, Time, stress, and temperature-dependent deformation in nanostructured copper: Stress relaxation tests and simulations, Acta Materialia 108 (2016) 252-263
X-S Yang, S Sun, T-Y Zhang, The mechanism of bcc α¢ nucleation in single hcp e laths in the fcc γ→hcp e →bcc α¢ martensitic phase transformation, Acta Materialia 9 (2015) 264-273
X-S Yang, S Sun, X-L Wu, Evan Ma and T-Y Zhang, Dissecting the mechanism of martensitic transformation via atomic-scale observations. Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 6141
H Ren, X-S Yang, Y Gao, T-Y Zhang, Solute concentrations and stresses in nanograined H-Pd solid solution, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 5487-5495
L. Z. Ouyang, X. S. Yang, M. Zhu, J. W. Liu, H. W. Dong, D. L. Sun, J. Zou, X. D. Yao, Enhanced hydrogen storage kinetics and cycling stability by synergistic effects of in situ formed CeH2.73 and Ni in CeH2.73-MgH2-Ni nanocomposites, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 7808-7820 (highly cited paper in 2015)
L.Z. Ouyang, X.S. Yang, H.W. Dong, M. Zhu, Structure and hydrogen storage properties of Mg3Pr and Mg3PrNi0.1alloys, Scripta Materialia 61(2008) 339-342
L.Z. Ouyang, L. Yao, X.S. Yang, L.Q. Li, M. Zhu, The effect of Co and Ni addition on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg3Mm, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (2010) 8275-8280
Z-D Huang, K Zhang, T-T Zhang, X-S Yang; R-Q Liu, Y Li, X-J Lin, X-M Feng, Y-W Ma, W Huang, Agave-strictanana-like hierarchical NiCoO2 mesoporous thorn microspheres as superior rate capability anode for lithium ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials 3 (2016), 36-44
Z-D Huang, K Zhang, T-T Zhang, X Li, R-Q Liu, X-M Feng, Y Li, X-J Lin, Y-B He, X-S Yang and Y-W Ma, Hierarchical dispersed multi-phase nickel cobalt oxide mesoporous thorn microspheres as superior rate anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (2015) 20886-20891
L.Z. Ouyang, Y.J. Wen, Y.J. Xu, X.S. Yang, L.X. Sun, M. Zhu, The effect of Ni and Al addition on hydrogen generation of Mg3La hydrides via hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (2010) 8161-8165