美国弗吉尼亚理工Ling Li教授课题组和电子科技大学崔家喜教授(青年千人)课题组招聘博士后。课题方向是微/纳米颗粒自组装。这个课题属于仿生材料、纳米材料、和机械力学的交叉学科。不同于合成材料,天然界所产生的材料往往具有优异的机械性能。这很大程度上得益于自然材料多层次的组装结构,其组装单元的尺度从纳米到百微米级别。如何通过控制亚尺度颗粒的自组装来模拟这些结构是近年新兴的研究方向,其中往往涉及无机微/纳米颗粒和高分子的有机结合。针对此,Ling Li教授课题组和崔家喜教授课题组展开合作,希望通过纳米材料、机械力学和高分子的交叉,发展高性能仿生材料。目前希望招聘1-2名博士后从事这方面的研究,主要方向是微/纳米颗粒自组装。
导师介绍:Ling Li教授从美国麻省理工(MIT)获得博士学位,后在美国哈佛大学从事博士后研究,现在美国弗吉尼亚理工。Li教授主要研究领域包括仿生矿化、自组装、晶体生长和材料力学性质等。其代表论文:
1. C.N. Kaplan, W.L. Noorduin, L. Li, J. Aizenberg, L. Mahadevan, Controlled growth and form of precipitating microsculptures, Science, (2017) 355, 1396-1399.
2. L. Li, M. J. Connors, M. Kolle, G. England, D. Speiser, X. Xiao, J. Aizenberg and C. Ortiz, Multifunctionality of chiton biomineralized armor with an integrated visual system, Science, (2015) 350, 952-956. Featured in Front Cover.
3. L. Li, S. Kolle, M. Kolle, J. C. Weaver, C. Ortiz and J. Aizenberg, A highly conspicuous mineralized composite photonic architecture in the translucent shell of the blue-rayed limpet, Nature Communications, (2015) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7322.
4. L. Li, J. C. Weaver, and C. Ortiz, Hierarchical structural design for fracture resistance in the shell of a pteropod Clio pyramidata, Nature Communications, (2015) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7216.
5. L. Li and C. Ortiz, Pervasive nanoscale deformation twinning as a catalyst for the efficient energy dissipation in a bioceramic armor, Nature Materials, (2014) 13, 501-507.
1. Zhao, H.; Xu, J.; Prieto-López, L. O.; Jing, G. Deng, X.*, Cui, J.*, Localization of liquid droplets in polymer matrixes by evaporative lithography. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 10681-10685.
2. Jeon, I.; Cui J.*; Illeperuma, W. R.K.; Aizenberg, J.; Vlassak, J. J.*, Extremely stretchable and fast self-healing hydrogel. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 4678-4683.
3. Cui, J.; Daniel, D.; Grinthal, A.; Lin, K.; Aizenberg, J.*, Dynamic polymer systems with self-regulated secretion for the control of surface properties and material healing. Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 790-795。
4. Cui, J.; Gropeanu, R. A.; Stevens, D. R.; Rettig, J.; del Campo, A.*, New Photolabile BAPTA-Based Ca2+ Cages with Improved Photorelease. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 7733-7740.
5. Cui, J.; Drotlef, D.-M.; Larraza, I.; Fernandez-Blazquez, J. P.; Boesel, L. F.; Ohm, C.; Mezger, M.; Zentel, R.; del Campo, A.*, Bioinspired actuated adhesive patterns of liquid crystalline elastomers. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 4601-4604.
1. 申请人专业背景:化学、材料或者力学专业。有纳米颗粒合成和TEM使用经验者优先。
2. 英语:工作语言是英语。申请人需具有良好的英语沟通能力。
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